Become a contributor.

At Iconfinder, we want to put more good design out into the world, one icon at a time. Join us.
Iconfinder's referral program

How it works

Create an account
Upload icons
Wait for approval
Start earning
Cash out
Learn and get better
Why sell icons on Iconfinder
Easy upload
Just zip & upload and get formats and sizes out of the box. Tagging is quick and easy.
Passive income
Minimum price of $2 per icon, and you get 50% of every sale. We connect you to millions of potential customers each month.
Access to data
Create the right icons with daily sales analytics and our quarterly icon designer reports.
Custom jobs
Get hired for custom icon jobs and use our platform to handle communication, delivery and payment.
Designer community
Connect with fellow designers by joining our community forum.
Helpful support
Our team is ready to help with any questions you may have.
What contributors say about us
“Iconfinder is the #1 place for icon designers: 1) Offers the highest contributor’s cut. 2) Super easy to upload and manage icons. 3) The overall quality of the market is very high. 4) Understands, supports & helps the contributors as nobody else."
Gašper Vidovič (Picons)
“There are no deadlines, no bosses to tell what to do when creating icons on any topic I like. Easy upload method, making process smooth and in seconds, leaving time for creativity. With competitive rate of 50% in stock market, Iconfinder is helping me earn money doing what I love.”
Laura Reen
"Iconfinder cares for us, icon designers: protects our copyrights, sells our icons at the best price, and takes a fair commission. I'm selling on Iconfinder for more than 6 years and it has always been the best partner in selling icons, providing me a substantial flow of income."
Vincent LeMoign (Webalys)
“We like Iconfinder for its content upload simplicity and easy icon management. Transparent sale statistics and quick customer support makes it a great tool for contributors.”
Andy & Stan (Icojam)
Resources for contributors
Frequently asked questions
What criteria do you follow for approving icons?
Icons uploaded to Iconfinder are manually checked by our Content reviewers. We use a set of 9 criteria to make sure the icons are original, relevant and of good quality.
How does licensing work?
All icons will be sold under the Iconfinder's Basic license. It’s a fair and easy-to-understand license that allows commercial use, but prohibits redistribution. For more information about licensing, copyright and ownership, please consult this article on Copyright basics for icon designers.
How are earnings calculated?
Icon downloads come from individual purchases or from Pro subscription downloads. For individual purchases, you get 50% of each icon’s price. For subscriptions, 50% of what customers pay is placed in the same pool and distributed accordingly between the icon designers whose icons were downloaded. The Pro earnings vary on a daily basis. Read more in the Contributor business guide.
How to optimize sales on Iconfinder?
There are many things you can do to sell well on Iconfinder - from uploading regularly, tagging well, and organising your icons in families, to listening to customers, and promoting yourself. We gathered a list of Tips and tricks to optimise your icon shop.
How long do you take to review icon submissions?
Review times may fluctuate depending on the number of submissions. We try to review within an average of 4 days.
How often are cashouts paid?
Cashouts are paid weekly on Fridays. The maximum waiting time is 7 days, depending on when you request the cashout. We support Paypal, Payoneer, and regular bank transfers.
Helping designers make a living doing what they love
Since 2012
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