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Cinema in Claro family icons

Family with 34 icons by amoghdesign

Claro consists of fresh icons depicting the elements of various topics like Education, Movies & Entertainment, Agriculture, Gardening, Farming, Food, Military, War, Law & Order, Camping Outdoors, Festivals & Holidays like Easter, Chinese New Year, Father's Day, Mother's Day, July 4, Household items like Bathroom, Home appliances, Food, Horse Riding, etc., Design Theory: Claro in Spanish means "Clear", "light", "evident" The theory behind these icons is to use a desaturated, lighter and happier color palette to create a clean modern look with simple aesthetics. We have stripped off the highlights and shadows that were present in the earlier design versions. It is a conscious choice to improve upon the simplicity and clarity aspect. We're sure you'll love these icons! :) Design Constructs: The 1100+ icons have been drawn on a 32px grid with a 1px stroke to create a thinner, more aesthetic look! Hope you like them! Happy Designing ^-^ :)